Share.vbs – Windows CMD Command
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List or edit a file share or print share (on any computer)
Although missing from recent Resource Kits, this VBS script does still work under recent versions of Windows. The preferred method for creating shares is the RMTShare command, which can also grant permissions.
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Syntax: List Shares Share.vbs /L [/S <server>] [/U <username>] [/W <password>] [/O <outputfile>] Create a Share Share.vbs /C /N <name> /P <path> [/T <type>] [/V <description>] [/S <server>] [/U <username>] [/W <password>] [/O <outputfile>] Delete a Share Share.vbs /D /N <name> [/S <server>] [/U <username>] [/W <password>] [/O <outputfile>] Key: /L List /C Create /D Delete /N name Name of the share to be created or deleted. /P path Path of the share to be created. /v description A description for the share. /T type Type of the share to be created. (Disk, Printer, IPC or Special) /S server A machine name. /U username The current user's name. /W password Password of the current user. /O outputfile Output file name. |
List the shares on the machine \\Frodo
cscript Share.vbs /L /s Frodo
Create a file share called “scratch” on the local machine:
cscript Share.vbs /c /n scratch /p "c:\my shared files" /t Disk /v "project files"
Delete the share named “scratch” on the machine \\Frodo
cscript Share.vbs /d /n scratch /s Frodo
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